girl empowrement because girls rule

Thursday, November 11, 2010

becoming christian

Being a christian your life is so much more challenging than normal,yet we know our almighty father will reward us in heaven with eternal life. Your love is forever and we are never alone. One day we will be prosecuted, they will hunt us down and try to kill us,yet in the end we will not hate you. We are given courage by the almighty father, the first step is knowing that we all sin. Everyone knows were not perfect. We have to belive that Jesus was real and dies on the cross for our sins. Jesus is the son of god. He loved us so much that he died for us. He had nails driven through his hands for us. he was persecuted and taunted. yet he still loved us after all we did. He rose again, and gave us another chance

Monday, November 8, 2010


Their pissing me off so bad.............I love him/i don't...I love him/i don't..I love him/i don't... I love him/i don't... I love him/i don't... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR